Christmas Board Game Interactive
$247.50 USD
Santa's Christmas Mission
This board game has been designed to bring your family closer together around Christmas, by shifting the focus away from opening things and moving toward working together to help the people of Christmas Village have a nice Christmas together. The game is full of little challenges that get you all moving and cheering each other on to help Santa recover the Christmas spirit. It's a great way to spend Christmas eve or morning with your family, and fun for people of all ages!
While Santa was planning a fun Christmas for all the kids of the world, an evil elf decided to wreak havoc and steal presents from a quiet little town called Christmas Village. Santa is calling on you to retrieve all the stolen presents and return them to each family before dawn. For your mission, Santa promotes you all to honorary elves, and you need to keep a close eye on the clock tower to make sure each family gets their presents and Christmas tree back before the sun comes up at 6am! Good luck, and make sure you defeat the evil elf and bring Christmas joy back to each and every family. Santa has promised you a reward if you can accomplish this Christmas mission in time!
Our Story/Why We Made This Game:
We created this game as we have always wanted Christmas to be more about time together having fun as a family, rather than quickly ripping open presents and being left with ‘stuff’ that didn’t always equate to ‘fun’. Christmas games have always taken different shapes for us, but many of those elements are included here. We wanted to share this with others in the hopes it can make everyone’s holiday a bit more fun!
How to Play:
All players begin on the “start” space located on the ice (we hope your family will color the player pieces to personalize - as pictured).
To decide which player goes first, everyone votes on who is the person that most easily passes for an elf. Highest number of votes goes first (you cannot vote for yourself). (If your family is crafty, you could grab some felt and have an elf ear making contest to go first - and wear them throughout the game, or another variation)
Move along the path throughout Christmas Village, and as you land on spaces complete the action below:
- Candy Cane Space - Grab a candy! Turn proceeds to next player
- Present Space - The snowflake on this space designates which house you are attempting to bring a present back to (and the corresponding challenge you are completing). Complete the challenge for that house. If you successfully complete the challenge, you move the peg that is closest to the challenge up one spot (indicating team progress toward retrieving all of the stolen presents).
- 2 Present Space - Exactly the same as the one present space, but now 2 presents are on the line!
- Stocking Space - Lift the space and read the paper to complete the action it describes. We have provided a few examples, but your family is welcome to make their own challenges with some blank cards we have included.
- Tree Space - When you land on this space, you will attempt to retrieve the trees (4 in total - 1 for each house), by taking part in the Skate Race.
Winning the game:
- Once one round (when all family members have had a turn) has completed, you will change the time on the clock. The clock is set up to represent one night, so after each turn you will either decide to move the time one hour (9 total turns) or half an hour (18 total turns), or you can start at another time to adjust the timing of the game.
- Once the challenges have all been completed, and all presents and Christmas trees have been returned to each family, you will receive the envelope right behind the clock. In this envelope is a ‘prize from Santa’ that will have been placed there by a parent prior to the game starting. We have seen family trip announcements, gift cards/money, or family certificates (such as getting to pick a movie and dinner, etc.).
This game requires four preparation steps from one person in the group:
- Include a prize from Santa (in envelope provided). Examples include: a gift certificate, tickets to a show, homemade ‘coupons’, or even a clue to a present in another room. Your imagination and budget can be your guide here!
- A bowl of candy (or baked dessert, etc) set out for when the candy cane space is landed upon.
- The small presents that are provided should be hidden around the house (similar to easter eggs) as challenging as the age of players permits!
- Using a small piece of paper, write down a special action that will take place when someone lands on the stocking space. Each can be the same or you can have two different actions (for the two stocking spaces on the board. Place each paper under each stocking space (to be lifted, read, and completed by the person who lands on that space). Ideas include silly actions a person needs to do, ‘stuck in the snow’ lose-a-turn space, small gift, letters that complete a ‘Wheel of Fortune’ style message to family or other clues to a family gift, or other ideas you prefer.
Note: Variations in board appearance and materials used is possible. We use a dry paint to cause our engravings to stand out against the white 'snow' look of the board, which can also create variations due to the hand painted nature of our process.
Warning: This game contains pieces that are not suitable for small children. Please use discretion and care to ensure everyone is safe, and we recommend ages 5 and up.
This board game has been designed to bring your family closer together around Christmas, by shifting the focus away from opening things and moving toward working together to help the people of Christmas Village have a nice Christmas together. The game is full of little challenges that get you all moving and cheering each other on to help Santa recover the Christmas spirit. It's a great way to spend Christmas eve or morning with your family, and fun for people of all ages!
While Santa was planning a fun Christmas for all the kids of the world, an evil elf decided to wreak havoc and steal presents from a quiet little town called Christmas Village. Santa is calling on you to retrieve all the stolen presents and return them to each family before dawn. For your mission, Santa promotes you all to honorary elves, and you need to keep a close eye on the clock tower to make sure each family gets their presents and Christmas tree back before the sun comes up at 6am! Good luck, and make sure you defeat the evil elf and bring Christmas joy back to each and every family. Santa has promised you a reward if you can accomplish this Christmas mission in time!
Our Story/Why We Made This Game:
We created this game as we have always wanted Christmas to be more about time together having fun as a family, rather than quickly ripping open presents and being left with ‘stuff’ that didn’t always equate to ‘fun’. Christmas games have always taken different shapes for us, but many of those elements are included here. We wanted to share this with others in the hopes it can make everyone’s holiday a bit more fun!
How to Play:
All players begin on the “start” space located on the ice (we hope your family will color the player pieces to personalize - as pictured).
To decide which player goes first, everyone votes on who is the person that most easily passes for an elf. Highest number of votes goes first (you cannot vote for yourself). (If your family is crafty, you could grab some felt and have an elf ear making contest to go first - and wear them throughout the game, or another variation)
Move along the path throughout Christmas Village, and as you land on spaces complete the action below:
- Candy Cane Space - Grab a candy! Turn proceeds to next player
- Present Space - The snowflake on this space designates which house you are attempting to bring a present back to (and the corresponding challenge you are completing). Complete the challenge for that house. If you successfully complete the challenge, you move the peg that is closest to the challenge up one spot (indicating team progress toward retrieving all of the stolen presents).
- 2 Present Space - Exactly the same as the one present space, but now 2 presents are on the line!
- Stocking Space - Lift the space and read the paper to complete the action it describes. We have provided a few examples, but your family is welcome to make their own challenges with some blank cards we have included.
- Tree Space - When you land on this space, you will attempt to retrieve the trees (4 in total - 1 for each house), by taking part in the Skate Race.
Winning the game:
- Once one round (when all family members have had a turn) has completed, you will change the time on the clock. The clock is set up to represent one night, so after each turn you will either decide to move the time one hour (9 total turns) or half an hour (18 total turns), or you can start at another time to adjust the timing of the game.
- Once the challenges have all been completed, and all presents and Christmas trees have been returned to each family, you will receive the envelope right behind the clock. In this envelope is a ‘prize from Santa’ that will have been placed there by a parent prior to the game starting. We have seen family trip announcements, gift cards/money, or family certificates (such as getting to pick a movie and dinner, etc.).
This game requires four preparation steps from one person in the group:
- Include a prize from Santa (in envelope provided). Examples include: a gift certificate, tickets to a show, homemade ‘coupons’, or even a clue to a present in another room. Your imagination and budget can be your guide here!
- A bowl of candy (or baked dessert, etc) set out for when the candy cane space is landed upon.
- The small presents that are provided should be hidden around the house (similar to easter eggs) as challenging as the age of players permits!
- Using a small piece of paper, write down a special action that will take place when someone lands on the stocking space. Each can be the same or you can have two different actions (for the two stocking spaces on the board. Place each paper under each stocking space (to be lifted, read, and completed by the person who lands on that space). Ideas include silly actions a person needs to do, ‘stuck in the snow’ lose-a-turn space, small gift, letters that complete a ‘Wheel of Fortune’ style message to family or other clues to a family gift, or other ideas you prefer.
Note: Variations in board appearance and materials used is possible. We use a dry paint to cause our engravings to stand out against the white 'snow' look of the board, which can also create variations due to the hand painted nature of our process.
Warning: This game contains pieces that are not suitable for small children. Please use discretion and care to ensure everyone is safe, and we recommend ages 5 and up.
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